Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Drive of the Century

For those of you who have drive the Rexburg to Provo straight you know it takes about 4- 4 1/2 hours. Take a 45min lunch and gas break and continue on to St. George for another 3 1/2-4 hours. Making a total of about 8 1/2 hours. We did that no problem on our way down for Thanksgiving. It was a piece of cake. And Thanksgiving was full of tasty food and bulging stomachs. My baby niece, Delilah, was SO CUTE! After her baby blessing in church on sunday we took off to head home to Rexburg. We left about 11am, which means we should have gotten home by 7:30pm. WRONG! We didn't get home until 1:40am! And if we do the math here that equals 14 hours and 40 min. Why, might you ask? Well, I'll tell you why. SNOW!!! SNOW. SNOW. SNOW. It snowed ALL DAY all over Utah and Idaho. It took us 8 hours alone to get form St. George to Provo. It was terrifying and absolutely ridiculous! I couldn't believe it! Ryan's sister and her boyfriend slid off the road and along with them so did 50 other people along the way. There was an exciting accident near Parawan. A Semi pulling two gas tanks behind it slid off the road and the second gas tank flipped over and slid into the first tank- sticking out into the highway. It was kind of cool to see. We must of gotten there right when it happened because we learned later that they detoured traffic 20 miles around highway so that they could transfer all the gas from one truck to another. There were all sorts of craziness going on along the highway. It was such a long day. We will never forget that trip- that's for sure. I think next time we'll leave an extra day in between when we leave and when we have to be back for work and school. eh heh.


  1. Oh my goodness.....i'm scared of rexburg.

  2. you should be... it is a scary place

  3. and its snowing again today. great! hah

  4. Such a good time Kiley, just bundles of joy the whole way. Oh remember that time Ash and I slid of the road? Yea, good times...
