Friday, September 2, 2011

Positive and Reinforced Thinking!

I'm down to 12 more days! And going into labor consumes my thoughts all day AND all night! It's a bit ridiculous! But what else am I supposed to think about!?!? This is kinda major! Ryan and I have decided to do this birth without an epidural and other such medications. It's surprising to me how touchy this subject can be with people! So before you get your panties in a wad over this decision I would like to say that it's not because I think it's more "womanly" or whatever. It's not because I think I'm stronger than other woman or "above" them in any way. We've made this decision based on research and personal desire. I think that it is an experience worth having- an empowering experience with a sense of accomplishment. I can honestly say that I am excited! I can't wait! I've been trying to naturally induce this baby early (if she's ready of course) by walking a lot and staying on my feet a lot. It's exhausting! Hahha. I spent all night the other night envisioning going into labor and how I was going to handle it and such... to no avail. Still no dilation. But she is in the correct position! Which is a plus! :) We'll see if some spicy food wont throw me into labor!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for you! And way to go on deciding to go for a natural birth. Beware that your doctors might try to convince you to do something else--get Pitocin, get an epidural. If you are comfortable with saying no, you should stick with the no, and baby girl will get here when she's ready.

    Looking back, I think that the epidural and then the Pitocin are the reason I needed an emergency C-section with O, and why doctors won't let me attempt a VBAC.

    Good luck! I can't wait to hear all about it!
