Sunday, June 30, 2013

My Sister's Graduation!

Congratulations to my next oldest sister, Sydney Rachel Green, for graduating High School with a 3.98GPA! It was 5 years ago that I graduated from the same high school... I didn't think it was so long ago until I was back in that auditorium filled with Purple and Gold and I was in the audience this time... Ug. I feel so old. But I am glad that I was able to be there for it! I'm so proud of her! I am proud to have her as my sister and my friend. I can't wait to see what she does with her life! Good luck at BYU, SYD! LOVE YOU!


So awhile back I found a great Groupon deal for some family portraits! So I bought it we finally got around to going in to have our pictures taken on Saturday morning... and boy did Hailey make things interesting. You guys know how crazy my kid is! Bouncing off walls (sometimes that is quite literal)! Well I was expecting her to be the same way at the studio... but an amazing, yet frustrating thing happened! She would HARDLY move!!! She wouldn't smile, giggle, blink, move, or even stick her tongue out! I was shocked. Turns out that she is as shy as she is energetic! We got some really cute ones, but they don't show much of her personality.

(New Favorite Family Photo!)


even the cute little lamb did nothing


You mean, I actually have to cooperate to get the cookie?




She couldn't decide if she wanted to sit or stand and kept going back and forth, so we told her to sit and fold her arms for prayer.... lol

Hey... this flower doesn't smell good!

Take it back!

(she said we were photogenic... how nice of her)

So after we got to look at all our pictures, the photographer and I decided to try again with Hailey to get some more true "Hailey" shots. And Hailey was definitely more warmed up! Check out this cutie-patootie! 

now THIS is more like the true "Hailey-type" picture I was hoping for! haha

In all, it was a successful venture! And now we have these adorable pictures to show boyfriends for years to come!

PS- in case anyone is interest... Hailey totally peed in the toilet the other day!!! YAY! Let the potty training begin! I have no clue what I'm doing!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Few Moments in Time

We've been pretty busy the last couple of months settling into our new home, neighborhood, community, etc. We've been doing lots of exploring and making friends. Here are some of my favorite moments in the last month!

(This cat is always hanging around behind our building in a large, overgrown bush. Hailey has made friends with it. Although, I can't remember why she looks upset in this bottom one)

(I'm still not sure how this one happened... but Ryan isn't holding on to her at all. She has him in a headlock with her legs and feet! Haha)

(Taking her Teddy Bear for a nice evening stroll! 
(But then she got tired of pushing it around and decided it would be easier for Daddy to push both her and the teddy bear! lol)

(She loves taking Bubble Baths! I think it's more exciting when your toys disappear beneath the bubbles and then it's like finding more toys as the other ones disappear!)

(In the middle of church, Hailey sat down and spent a good 15 min changing her baby's daiper! Excellent technique!)

(While I was folding some laundry the other day, Hailey disappeared into her bedroom. I noticed that it had gotten way to quiet! So I went to check on her. She was no longer in her bedroom, but had opened two doors to get into my bathroom and had climbing up on the countertops, via the toilet, and into the sink. There she sat brushing her teeth... WITH MY TOOTHBRUSH and the water running full force! Needless to say, she was soaked....)

(This is Elijah. He is a month older than Hailey. He came over a few times a week for the last month while his parents were at work. We had a lot of fun with him!)

(Hailey likes to have her back scratched)

(This has become the most common site to see in our home this past month. Hailey likes to try to climb out of her crib... we're due for a toddler bed soon.)

(She likes to pretend to type on the computer. It's really funny!)

(This one is HILARIOUS! It's pretty Punk Rock. She's got the whole "P!nk" look going on!)

(Hailey has become an expert couch climber, jumper, and biter) 

Last, but not least, PHOTO SHOOT! Here are some excellent selfies of Hailey and I. Of course, these are my favorite since she is with me! We don't get many pictures with me in them because I'm usually the one taking all the pictures! :) I hope you enjoyed all my pictures as much as I do!