Monday, June 18, 2012

Molly's Nipple

While we were in Utah, Ryan and I decided to hike a common near-by peak called Molly's Nipple. We were going to wake up early and climb up in time to se the sun rise, but our alarm didn't go off at the right time, so we missed it! We were pretty bummed. So instead we went to hike it in time for the sunset! It was great! It was practically walking up a wall the whole time on loose gravel! It was a really tough hike! I was really out of shape and huffed and puffed my way up the dang mountain. Ryan was patient and encouraging and we made it just in time to watch the sun set. The feeling of accomplishment at making it up that peak and watching the beautiful skyline as the sun set behind the horizon was amazing! It was a great experience for us to spend together. I hope we will always continue to have moments like those- moments that remind us how much we love each other and that no matter what comes our way in life, together, we will succeed!

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