Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy FIRST Birthday!

(birthday outfit- Thank you Mima!)

Can you believe my baby is already one year old!?! I sure can't! Where has the time gone? Well it certainly hasn't gone into sleeping! Of that I am sure! But I do know where some of the time as gone and I feel so blessed to have lived this past year with my baby girl and to have put all my time and energy into raising her. Some of my time went to rocking her to sleep. Some of the time went to a nightly bedtime routine. Some of the time went to teaching her to crawl and walk. Some of my favorite times went to making her happy and laugh. She has the cutest laugh I have ever heard. Mostly my time has been spent watching her grow and learn and explore. She is so curious and smart! I can't wait to see what this next years time will allow!

(ooo how she loved to stuff her face and hair and diaper and toes and fingers and ears and nose with cake!... that kind of rhymed if you say it fast!)

(she spent most of the time at the park following the other kids around)

(opening presents on Mommy's lap!)

For Hailey's birthday Ryan's mom flew in to spend a week with us! It was so nice to see her again! And Hailey had a blast. We took her to the park, we ate cake, we sang happy birthday, and we opened presents... although she seemed more interested in the tissue paper and tried to put all her new clothes on her head or around her neck- I know she had fun! 

(we took Grama Net to Occoquan River!)

(Grama Net took this picture! How cute!)

(We spent a day touring DC!)

(so cute!)

(we found a little aquarium in the natural history museum! She was mesmerized!)