Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Hectic Life

So the past week or so has been crazy! I don't know why I decided that taking two 4 credit classes at the same time would be a good idea... I can't remember anymore. Now it's just work work work. Ryan started work last week at the same place I work. So our schedules have been thrown out of wack a little bit. On Friday I threw a bridal shower for one of my best friends who is getting married the day before my one year anniversary. It was a ton of fun! We made her wear a terrible looking wedding dress that was a pale yellow color! We played games and ate pizza and stuff. But as for a surprise the bride's mother-in-law-to-be showed up with her sister-in-law-to-be and Ryan's mom (they are best friends). It was a blast! I love spending time with family. It's the most important thing in life. Now we are back to school and midterms are coming to an end, so it's a rush to make sure everything is done and turned in. Our apartment is somewhat a wreck from this weekends festivities. The laundry is piling high, and all I can think about is taking nap! Hahah. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just hybernate for the duration of your pregnancy?! That would be the life!!! No school, no chores, no work, no dealing with anything! But then of course, what would Ryan do without me? He'd be a mess, just like any husband is without his wife :P So I guess I should not hybernate... dang.

1 comment:

  1. Hey i did good while you were in VA!!! But then again my mother was here...
