Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Gymnast in the Family

Well as most of you know, Hailey has a lot of energy. Ryan and I talked about different ways to channel her energy into something productive, learning, and helpful. We decided on a tumbling or gymnastics class. There is a place in Ashburn, not far from us, called The Little Gym and they teach different tumbling and gymnastics skills to young kids. We went to a trial class at the beginning of September and she loved it so much I couldn't resist. She seriously fell in love with the place! Her face lit up and she just zoomed around the gym the entire time, loving every second of it! So I enrolled her in a year-long membership! And so far, it's been worth every penny! I love watching her face light up when I tell her we're going to the gym or when she sees the gym room, or when she accomplishes something they are teaching. It's been so wonderful so far!
the rings are her favorite!

she LOVES the runway bounce!!! She was hopping and bouncing all over the place!


1 comment:

  1. What a funny cutie! I love how you describe her as zooming around the place. I can picture it!
