So we finally decided to take another big step in our lives. We agreed it was time. I mean, we are done with school. We have a great job and things are going pretty well! So we thought... Why not?! We have room to love another! So we went out and bought our second car! So far, we absolutely love it! It's a brand new 2012 Ford Escape in this lovely red color! This is basically my car to drive around since Ryan takes the corolla to work. I'm loving it so far! I have been making excuses to drive it around. Like take my daughter on a 2 hour road trip down to Harrisonburg to visit my best friend for a couple days! It was great!
We were feeling crafty and made front door wreaths! We found the idea on pinterest... Which is the love of all crafts and good ideas. It was great to spend time with Anna! Thus is my update on our lives so far.
Love it! (Both the car and the wreath)