Thursday, July 5, 2012

Howell Family Reunion

(Hailey and her second cousin Henry- he is 3 months younger than her)

(each family took a picture with a letter H-O-W-E-L-L for a picture frame for Gma and Gpa)

(can you find her fingers?)

My mom's side of the family- Howell- has a one week long family reunion every other year. Most people look forward to it... there are always the stragglers though :/ I wasn't able to attend the last one, so I was excited to go this year! This year we stayed in a huge cabin up in the Smokey Mountains in Pigeon Forge. The view was excellent, but man was it hot! The family has grown very much in the last few years. This was the first time my mom's side of the family got to meet Hailey, and for some it was the first time to meet Ryan too! Of course Hailey's charm was capable of wrapping anyone around her sweet little fingers, I however found my inner tiger! I found myself unable to control my anxieties while Hailey was napping or down for the night. One house full of crazy people is enough to keep anyone awake! :) I felt bad being the "tiger" but at the same time, I've never been one to keep quiet. Oh well!
During the week we played lots of games and ate lots of AMAZING food - thanks to Chef Aunt Diane and SuChef Uncle Scott! We swam, played picture scavenger hunt, risk, flip, played minigolf, etc. Most times it was way to hot to do anything that did not involve water or indoors. But all in all it was a great week! It's always a blessing to get together with family and reunite friendships. It is especially special to see how the family grows! What a week! 


Me and my youngest sister, Brooke. These are our angry faces. 

(mom and I duke it out with water guns at "hoedown night")

1 comment:

  1. That's around the area we had our family reunion last year! LOVE Tennessee =) Cute pictures.
