Life has finally settled into more of a routine. Hailey usually goes to bed around midnight (give or take an hour), wakes up at 5am or 6am to eat and then goes back to sleep until 9am or 10am. If only we could slide those hours back 2 or 3 hours- then we'd have perfection! But we like that she wakes up at 5 or 6 to eat because it forces Ryan to get out of bed and do his homework- since the mornings are really his only times to get homework done.
Ryan is driving himself into the ground with all that he has to do! He wakes up at 5 or 6 to do homework, goes to school at 8:30 and comes home at 12:20. Goes to work at 1pm. Comes home for dinner from 6-7pm and then goes back to work until 10pm. Then we relax and start trying to get Hailey to bed. But thank goodness there is an end in sight! Ryan is going to be quitting his job in December after schools is over. We decided that for our last semester we should focus on school and Hailey (especially since Ryan will be taking 19 credits). We can't wait!
Hailey is almost 2 months old! Can you believe that? She is growing so fast! I feel like every day she gets bigger and bigger. Ryan keeps saying how he can't wait for her to get a little older so she can play and be more fun... but I don't want her to grow!!! Once she becomes a toddler then she'll be a going to preschool, then kindergarten, then she'll be a teenager and graduating high school! Then, before you know it, she's all grown up and out of the house! No. No no no. She will just have to stay small forever!
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