So last weeks Thanksgiving Holiday was a blast! The day before Thanksgiving all the alarms in our apartment complex went off with their ear-splitting siren and strobe lights in every living room! It was crazy! The fire department came and everyone was outside watching, or in their cars staying warm. It was 30-45 min before the alarm was turned off. It was SO loud! Turns out there was no fire- just someone boiling water.... stupid alarms.
As for Thanksgiving itself- Ryan's family came up to Rexburg (since most of them live here already lol) And we crammed everyone into a little apt for our thanksgiving feast. It was cozy and lots of fun- plus lots of tasty foods! Then we met up with even more people (close family friends) for dessert! It was nice to be with so many people we know and love.
As most people know, Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting upon the things we are thankful for. I just want to say how grateful I am for my wonderful husband and our marriage. Before I was married people would always tell me how hard the first year of marriage was. And then again when we were about to have our first baby people told me how it would try our marriage like never before. Well I've never had to experience any of that hardship. Yes, marriage took some getting used to (and we will always have things to work on) and yes, having a baby is difficult and emotional- but not once have I felt like what I was going through was the hardest of my life. I have been truly blessed with a wonderful husband who completes me and with whom I can talk to and work things out with.
Ryan- I am SO grateful for you and for everything you do for our little family! Words cannot describe how lucky I feel to have you as my husband. I cannot wait to spend an eternity with you, and now, our daughter as well! You are everything to me. I love you.
This makes my heart sing!!! Love it! & seriously Kiley I'm the exact same way. The first year was not hard at all! None of it has been. It's made my life the happiest & simplest it's ever been! I love being married SO much & Love & Adore Tanner SO much as you already know! Oh & love you too!<3