As you may know, we recently went down to San Diego, CA for yet another wedding! This time it was for Ryan's sister, Ashley's, wedding! And what a beautiful wedding it was! Ashley looked gorgeous and Chris (her husband) was glowing like a pregnant woman! :) They've been waiting a long time for this wedding! Congrats to Ashley and Chris! Love you guys!
Did I mention that this was the 3rd wedding I've been a bridesmaid in while being pregnant?! How crazy is that! Everyone just HAD to get married this year! Hahha. Oh well- it's been great. I do enjoy my vacations to San Diego. We took another trip to Sea World, went to the beach, went to the temple, helped with a wedding and even had a baby shower for our little Hailey! It was a great week!
Now I'm home and in the last stretch of my pregnancy! 3 1/2 more weeks until due date! WOO! I'm getting very antsy! I can't wait to meet this little girl that puts constant pressure on my ribs! We ordered her stroller and car seat this week- should be hear next week! Ah! Can't wait!
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