On saturday Ryan completed his very first triathlon here in rexburg called the Rush Triathlon. He did a great job! I was so proud of him! I may or may not have gotten teary-eyed here and there... but there is no proof and if there were, I would blame it on the pregnancy hormones! I had to run a 1/2 mile just to make it to the beginning of the race on time. Why would they make the parking lot so far away?! DUmb. I was exhausted afterwards. WHo'd a thunk that watching a triathlon could be so exhausting! lol. Afterwards, to celebrate, we went to a pizza buffet with our friend Tyler and Kira and their son Lincoln. We spent the rest of the day relaxing and napping.

Then came the second triathlon. Ryan and I spent the entire night taking turns throwing up in the toilet... or tub- which ever was most available. I'm thinking it was food poisoning from something we ate on Sat. Not really sure though, I'm just glad it's finally over. We spent all day Sunday recovering and taking it easy... and basically being lazy. But that's allowed when we didn't sleep all night due to puking, right?
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