Well it's been a couple weeks since I wrote last- so I have lots to catch up on! I had a baby shower with some friends around here in Rexburg! It was a lot of fun! Thanks to the amazing Leslie Casariego for putting it on for me! And for the assistance of my wonderful sister-in-laws, Ashley and Lynae. It was a lot of fun playing games and eating tasting foods! And thank you to all those of you who have gotten Hailey a present! We appreciate it!
I also finally finished the semester and finished it with all A's!!! Well- maybe, not sure about my water aerobics class... i know, how pathetic! Anyways, I am glad the semester is over but I felt like it went by SO quickly! I hardly remember June ever even happening! And now here we are about to go on to August! Craziness!
This week my sister and 2 cousins are here in rexburg for EFY. It was a mad house trying to get them all checked-in and into their apartments. But i'm excited for them! I loved EFY all 4 years! It's such a great experience for all youth in search of their own testimony! I hope they have the greatest week EVER!
OH! And by the way- I turned 21 this weekend! YAY Happy Birthday to me!!! Ryan made me french toast and bacon with strawberries for breakfast! It was deLISH!!! And then we went to the pool for 4 hours and got nice and tan/crispy! Then we went to see Harry Potter 7 Part 2. It was great!!! I loved it! Now i feel the need to reread all the books seeing as I didn't remember any of what happened in the movie. It was a great day and Ryan got me awesome sewing/quilting equippment, candy, and a recipe magazine (which i love reading).
Overall, life is good. 7 more weeks!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Did you know that your birthday is exactly ONE WEEK before mine? (If yours is the 25th) My 21st birthday is AUGUST 1st! =)