So I have made it to 30 weeks! Only 10 more to go! It seems like just yesterday I had reached 10 weeks and was feeling so nauseous that I couldn't stand! (Boy am I glad that part is over with!) Now sweet baby Hailey is approximately 3lbs and 16 inches long! She's getting so big! It's hard for me to believe that a 3 lbs baby can have the strength to kick and flail the way she does! Just yesterday I was leaning over and she kicked my rib!!! And not just a shove- it was a full blown kick! Guess she didn't like that rib in her face! haha. It's getting to be so much fun to watch my stomach move, jerk, and quiver as she moves around! She's pretty active these days! Ryan keeps telling me that she needs to get here soon! He's getting so excited, which makes me so happy! We like to watch her move. It's fun to guess which limbs are where! Her head is easier to guess- that would be the big round hard spot! Haha. A friend of mine just had her baby on July 4th! And now I am a tad jealous! I just want her to get here so i can give her proper squishings and love. So I can see her tiny features and guess who she looks more like! :) I hope she has her daddy's eyes! He has such cool eyes! And we're guessing she'll be very blonde since both ryan and I were toe-head blondes as babies and toddlers. I guess we'll find out in 10 weeks or so!!! Anyone want to make guesses as to what she'll look like? But who cares- she'll be beautiful and she'll be all ours!
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