Today was GORGEOUS! If ever there was a perfect day in Rexburg- it was today! The weather was warm and sunny! If only every day in Rexburg could be like today! Today was just a normal routine day in our lives. Ryan's alarm goes off at the very butt-crack of dawn and while I try to stay asleep for another hour or so, the pipes in the walls from the shower scream at me to stay awake- sometimes they even find their way into my dreams. It's ridiculous... anyone got a could pair of noise-canceling headphones?! Today in my Medical Assisting Lab we finished up doing our practice shots. Boy am I glad to see that section pass by! We 've learned 5 different sets of shots in the past few weeks: SubQ, Intradermal, Intramuscular (deltoid, thigh, and butt shots)! It's really neat to know how to do it all now! But I definitely have had to get over my fears just a little bit! :) Next week- drawing blood! Oh heaven, help me!
This evening, it rained- not too hard, but a good rain- the warm kind that makes you reminisce about Virginia thunderstorms. I miss it there! I miss all of you there too!
By the way- Hailey is getting bigger and bigger by the second, it feels like. My belly button is now poking out and putting my shoes on gets harder and harder to accomplish each day!
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