So, I've been lazy and haven't been updating my blog. As a result some holidays have come and gone that I would like to tell about! I'll start with Mother's Day. This mother's day was my first time actually celebrating it for myself. Some would say that I shouldn't even celebrate it until next year because technically our baby isn't born yet- but I am still her mother and I am still caring for her, even if she is still in side me. That's cause enough to celebrate for me! :) So Ryan got me beautiful flowers and the best part was a gift card to the snow shack!!! A shave-ice stand here in rexburg. I crave that and french fries almost daily!! So it was a good mother's day- plus ryan made me an awesome breakfast of scrambled eggs, turkey bacon (my fav), and toast with OJ!
The next holiday was Ryan's 24th Birthday! Last year I got him rockclimbing shoes and a harness, so I carried on the tradition and bought him a rockclimbing rope! Does anyone else think its ridiculous how much they charge for a processed piece of rope? I do! But it was worth it to see the look on Ryan's face! Thanks to my parents and his parents- who pitched in on the gift. And thanks to our friends the Martin's for buying it at whole sale for us! Ryan had no idea! He was so surprised! Especially when he learned that the rope had been sitting underneath him behind the couch for almost 2 weeks! Haha! Happy birthday to my wonderful husband!
The last holiday on the list was Memorial Day. We had a three day weekend off from school and work! It was glorious... until it started raining and sleeting- that was NOT glorious! We had planned to spend the weekend camping and going to Yellowstone National Park. We started driving to Yellowstone on saturday only to turn around and come straight back 2 hours down the road when we came across a mudslide! Lame! So then we decided to go camping with our friends, the Martin's- since it was still nice out. But we had a tough time locating a good spot. Finally we settled in around 9pm and had a wonderful evening of foil steak dinners and strawberry dumpling in a dutch oven! It was heavenly! The next morning- it rained. Then on Monday- it sleeted. I was NOT happy.
All-in-all, it's been a great couple of weeks. I have been keeping busy with my medical assisting classes-which i'm LOVING! Except for the part where I had to overcome my fear of needles enough to practice on others and be practiced on. This semester is flying by! Only 3 more months until little Hailey Renae Ferons comes into the world! I cannot wait!
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