This weekend we did a lot of things! With summer being here, we try to pack as much fun into our weekends as possible! This weekend we went camping on Friday night with our ward up in Island Park! It was really nice and lots of fun! We took our nifty little two-man tent with us and packed it full of blankets and pillows (we were very warm all night!) We roasted marshmellows (my favorite) and played games with friends until midnight! What treat! We don't usually stay up until midnight these days haha. Anyway, It was a a blast. We even got to take a paddle boat out on the lake... although, it didn't really go fast and was more of a workout than a relaxing boat ride. But we had fun! And it was nice to get away for awhile. In the morning we took a nice little bike-ride... until the bike ryan was on decided to release one of its peddles and render itself unridable. :)

That night we went to see Fast Five in the cheap theater with some friends, Kolette and Jacob Haag. It was an okay movie. If your looking for a good action movie with fast cars I recommend Gone in 60 Seconds. Way better!

Sunday was also a good day! Full of relaxation, church, family dinner, and another movie with Leslie and Martin Casariego. Liam Neeson is full of suspense and twisty-turns in Unknown. But again, if you want more action, his movie Taken was way better! All-in-all a great weekend! Now if I can just get through this week!