As most of you know, we officially brought our sweet baby Hailey into this world on Wed, Sept 21, 2011. She weighed a whole 6 pounds and 11 ounces and 18.5 inches long. I was in labor for 8 hours and only pushed for 20 minutes. It all went pretty smoothly. I was put on pitocin at 7am on Wed and by 2pm I was only dilated to 4cm. It was at this point that I caved and requested an epidural. After I received the epidural I went from 4cm to 9cm in 30minutes. The nurse was so surprised and the doctor wasn't even in the building yet. They had to call him in and boy was he rushing. The nurse told me to try not to push- which wasn't hard to do because I was so tired and couldn't really feel a whole lot in the lower regions. So the doctor rushed over and we pushed the baby out in 20 min! I did receive a small episiotomy to help bring her out. But it was all worth it in the end! She was born perfectly healthy and absolutely beautiful! I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Hailey May Ferons is now a week old and even more beautiful than the first day. She loves to snuggle and be bundled up nice and warm. She absolutely HATES being unwrapped, undressed, or getting her diaper changed. It's a traumatic experience every time. But she is eating really well and sleeping... well, we're working on that one. But we love and adore her!
It's been really great having my mom around to help too! She's been so great helping out with chores around the house and making food and being the best grandma ever! I will be sad when she leaves on Saturday... Then will come the real challange- keeping a house organized AND taking care of a newborn. We shall see how that goes.
Congrats! Have a great Conference weekend!
ReplyDeleteKiley, you're a Mommy! Hailey is beautiful and precious! I can't wait to meet her (hopefully next week). You'll do great even after ur Mom leaves, I just know it!
ReplyDeleteShe is so stinkin cute. I am so happy for you! I'm glad labor was so smooth too. We were lucky with labor also. It makes a difference for sure and I am in love with the epidural. ANYWAY, you guys are awesome and your baby is so sweet. Congratulations! Aren't you glad you're done being pregnant and you have her outside of the belly?!