Friday, October 26, 2012

October Came and Went!

(Our little Hailey-Bailey! She's so cute, I just can't help taking pictures of her! This was on a porch swing at the house I nanny for)

Wow- I cannot believe how fast time is flying! And of course there are pro's and con's to fast time travel. Pro: get things over with that you dread, get to the things you enjoy faster, pack in lots of memories quickly. Con: it goes to fast.

October is probably my favorite month of the year here in VA because of all the beautiful colors on the trees! But you have to sink it all in because they change and die all in one month! I'd rather it last at least 2 months! And the air is cooling off and the humidity is subsiding. Mmmm and HOLIDAYS are just around the corner! It's great!

As for Ryan and I. We are working like crazy! I have been doing my Pampered Chef shows almost every weekend! Which I am LOVING! And then 3-4 days of the week I nanny a family in Alexandria. Ryan works his 8:30-5pm job and has recently started up his own company with his cousin doing web design for other small businesses! So we are taking full advantage of living with my parents to make as much money as we can while we can so that we can find our own home to buy! We meet with a few realtors in a few weeks to start the search! Hopefully we'll have a pretty good idea of what we want and where by the end of the year! Cross your fingers for us!

Halloween is next week and these are our choices of costume for Hailey! What do you think?

(she wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a good shot of this one!)

Hailey has been a whirlwind of emotions, mood swings, and curiosity! It seems she is always everywhere and into everything all at once! I don't know how she does it! No wonder she's exhausted by 8pm! Her favorite thing lately is to climb up the chairs and onto the dining room table and if she's fast enough- swing from the chandelier! So I try to keep all the chairs pushed in, but she still manages to get as high up as they will allow!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy FIRST Birthday!

(birthday outfit- Thank you Mima!)

Can you believe my baby is already one year old!?! I sure can't! Where has the time gone? Well it certainly hasn't gone into sleeping! Of that I am sure! But I do know where some of the time as gone and I feel so blessed to have lived this past year with my baby girl and to have put all my time and energy into raising her. Some of my time went to rocking her to sleep. Some of the time went to a nightly bedtime routine. Some of the time went to teaching her to crawl and walk. Some of my favorite times went to making her happy and laugh. She has the cutest laugh I have ever heard. Mostly my time has been spent watching her grow and learn and explore. She is so curious and smart! I can't wait to see what this next years time will allow!

(ooo how she loved to stuff her face and hair and diaper and toes and fingers and ears and nose with cake!... that kind of rhymed if you say it fast!)

(she spent most of the time at the park following the other kids around)

(opening presents on Mommy's lap!)

For Hailey's birthday Ryan's mom flew in to spend a week with us! It was so nice to see her again! And Hailey had a blast. We took her to the park, we ate cake, we sang happy birthday, and we opened presents... although she seemed more interested in the tissue paper and tried to put all her new clothes on her head or around her neck- I know she had fun! 

(we took Grama Net to Occoquan River!)

(Grama Net took this picture! How cute!)

(We spent a day touring DC!)

(so cute!)

(we found a little aquarium in the natural history museum! She was mesmerized!)

I am the Pampered Chef

So I have not written in awhile because I have been so busy! Starting in September I became a Pampered Chef Consultant! I had an awesome month in September as highest seller on our team! It was so much fun! I loved getting together with new people and having fun and getting to know each other- plus, who doesn't love food? What better reason to get together, than food! October isn't going quite as well. Hence the reason I have time for writing in my blog. But I'm hoping for a miracle to help me boost my business and help me save money!

The reason I started Pampered Chef was so that Ryan and I could start saving extra money for the house we want to buy sometime in the next 6 months. Which leads me to the other reason I've been so busy- I took up a job nannying! I nanny 3 days a week for two young boys in Falls Church! It's great and pays well! I was so happy with what I was able to save in September. Cross your fingers for October!

If anyone is interested in hosting a show (online or in person) please contact me!! I could really use your help- and you could use a great excuse to have some fun with your girl friends and eat yummy food, try new tools, and learn cooking tips!

Also, if you or anyone you know is interested in making some extra money on the side! ASK ME about the business! It's so amazing! I love it!