Hailey has reached the ripe old age of 8 months! I know! She's growing like a weed! Still no teeth, but man does she make up for it in other areas! This girl could not move MORE than she already does, or jabber MORE than she already does! She is constantly on the go, go, go! There are new things to explore, taste, and squish between her cute little fingers! Here are a few shorts on Hailey.
Cat and Mouse:
Recently we were visiting Hailey's Great Grandma Sheila (GGS). Well GGS has a black cat that roams the premise. We were sitting in the living room and said cat comes in to inspect the small human. Hailey did NOT appreciate this. Even though the cat was sitting a good 4 feet away and simply staring at her, she gave a screech that was so loud the cat jumped high- hair on end- and ran as fast as he could for cover! We all thought it was the cat's screech! But no, it was my daughter! Apparently she's not a cat person!
Lickin' Good:
I don't know what it is about baby's and there desire to feel textures with their tongues. That is not what comes to mind when I find a fascinating texture, fabric, pattern, or design. Can you imagine if adults went around licking everything they found to be of fascinating texture?! Disgusting- but somehow, we can't help but snap a picture and laugh at how cute the baby is! Hailey has licked everything from her hairbrush, to the stuck-o wall on the outside of the house, to wood flooring, to grass, etc. It always gives us the giggles when she stops dead in her tracks to lick whatever it is she has found.
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend:
Every night, as part of Hailey's bedtime routine, I give her a bath and lotion her up before putting on her jammies and into bed. One night, before I applied lotion to her cute little self, I took off my wedding ring and placed it on the rather low foot rest of the couch. I went about our bedtime routine, forgetting about my ring, until suddenly I saw that Hailey picked something up off the floor and was attempting to chew and swallow (She does this fairly regularly). So I stopped her and put my finger in her mouth to find the object of her desire! To my surprise and shock, I pulled out my own diamond wedding ring! I have a feeling that wouldn't have gone down too well for her! Good thing I caught her! Now I remember why I never take my ring off!
I hope you enjoyed reading these stories as much as we enjoyed living them!