So since I last wrote I have discovered Pinterest! I love it! It's like the portfolio Ive always wanted to make of all the things I love. It's awesome! It makes me crafty and creative without ever having to leave my couch! :) Maybe one day i'll actually get around to doing all those great ideas! Hahha.
School is going well, but it's hard to concentrate and get things done at home with hailey being such an attention grabbing cutie! She continues to suck her toes, grab her pacifier, and has discovered the many ranges of her voice! She makes very loud, but very cute experimental noises! She is now 4 months old now! Going on 5! I can't believe it! She had another Doctor's appointment on Monday. I made Ryan go with me so I wouldn't cry again! It was still heartbreaking though to watch her get more shots. BUT! The Doctor said we could start trying out some baby cereals. So we got some rice cereal and this was the result:
Needless to say, she hated it! Either that, or she is too frustrated with trying to swallow it that she screams at me. More to come soon!